Sunday, March 15, 2015

Promethean Flip Chart Fractions Version 2

Hardware software

Fractions Version 2

I think this flip chart is a good resource for a teacher to use inside the classroom, of course the teacher will need to download the hardware/software which is known as ActivInspire.  The teacher can go to to download different resources. This interactive resource has visuals that most students can relate too. It really gives the student a chance to see exactly what they are doing. It also brings in a lot more excitement to doing classwork.

Technology use based on problem solving

Technology helps students visualize underlying concepts in unfamiliar or abstract topics. Through the interactive software, students get support with really understanding the content. It also helps the student to stay focused on what it is they should be learning. Interactive technology can help guide independent student learning. Technology inside the class, help expose those students that may not have access to it at home.

Essential conditions for technology integration

Teachers, districts, local community and state need to share the same vision about technology integration. The world is integrating technology in almost every aspect of our lives.  Teachers  should be trained on how to use technology in instruction. Teachers need to know how to incorporate technology according to state standards.Technology has the most impact on achieving educational goals, therefore it is imperative to keep teachers trained in this area.

Software support tools

These tools help teachers and students produce materials on paper and online. Software can be downloaded, which makes it quicker and easier to get resources. The most popular interactive whiteboard are Prometheus Promethean ActivBoard and SMART Technology's Smart Board. These programs comes with a resource bank of images, graphics tools, and text tools that teachers can use to author programs in much the same way as they would use PowerPoint's program.


  1. That is a very helpful flip chart you have shared! You made some great points about the hardware/software to use with this flipchart. But, it also has open content. This is great for teachers because the software can be downloaded for free and, there are many flipcharts that can be downloaded for free. These free downloads make the software very accessible and useful for teachers.

  2. The flipchart you have shared would be a great resource for when teachers are presenting fractions to the class. I like how you said that the software is free, that let's teachers know that it indeed is affordable and can easily be used in the classroom. The only thing that I think you could add is a description of the flipchart so that we know what the flipchart does.

  3. I really enjoyed how you explained how technology can help students. It is very important to help students visualize underlying concepts. I also really enjoyed the flipchart that you chose and I love that you explained that the software is free. That will be more likely to make teachers want to get the software.
