Friday, February 13, 2015

Search Engines: Search engines are very helpful for teachers as well as students. Many people use Google as their main search engine.Teachers can type in any topic they would like more information on and get a variety of results to choose from. From there, the teacher can collect many resources to help teach content in their classroom. If teachers would like to narrow down information on a topic, the teacher can use the advanced search button to get specific information about that topic. Search engines are very beneficial for students that may not know exactly what information to search but with the search engine, they can type in a combination of words that can help with their research. Also, with search engines, students can misspell words in the tool bar and the search engine will correct what a student is trying to type in the tool bar. This can really help students with spelling as well. I will use search engines as a resource to expose my students to surfing the web for information.

Website Evaluation Video: Teaching student how to browse the “Web” correctly will benefit them as they get older and the research topics get more in-depth. One issue I would address in my class, is practicing how to find out if a website is credible. Many students like to copy and paste information about their topics, without really understanding if the information is true or not. This tutorial will give students explanations of how to investigate a website when looking for information. Click on the video above for more understanding of website evaluation.


Favorite Website #1: One of my favorite websites is Starfall. This website offers a variety of educational games for different grade levels. I can see myself using this website for activities that can help with beginning sounds and reading. The site offers activities that help keep the students engaged in what they are learning. My children enjoyed this website in their earlier grades. It is very easy to navigate through the website, which is really important when introducing computer games to students.

Favorite website #2: Ex of wiki I really liked this particular example of how to use a wiki inside your classroom. Wiki’s can provide excitement to content and it also helps the students to take charge of their work. I think fifth graders would really enjoy doing a social studies assignment using the wiki. Each student gets to add videos, facts, use power point, and images to help make their wiki’s more interactive. Here is an example of how you can use the wiki with your class.
Click here

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hypermedia Products:

Commercial Hypermedia products are used for many Educational purposes. One type of software that I like, is interactive storybooks. This type of software is used widely inside the classroom today. Click on this link interactive story books  to browse the different books that can be read to students. This website offers a wide variety of books for students of all ages. I think the students would like this option, as it helps bring the story to life and it also gives the teacher a break from reading aloud. The interaction with the stories can be beneficial for every student in the class. It can really help the ELS, which may have a difficult time pronouncing words. This resource helps students enjoy reading at their pace.

Multimedia Authoring Tools:

Audio and Video Production and Editing Systems are great to use in the class. This tool allows students and teachers to create videos to share. Students can become more comfortable with using technology using these tools. The school tube website is great. Students can see celebrities reading books aloud and also upload videos they have recorded. This would make a great way to have students’ present assignments. Students can share their videos with their parents and friends. Watching and listening to your favorite celebrity read your favorite book can be fun and interesting. I could see students really enjoying this website.


Here is a video of an interactive storybook video.